[b]Full Name:Marco Hilton
[b]Age 31
[b]Place of Birth/Nationality:Aldershot/ British
[b]Appearance:5ft7 Stocky build, black short hair and heavy scaring down his right side that leads to dulled blue steel cybernetic right arm up to his shoulder and his right eye which leaves it a deep black with a faint green iris. Tends to wear military fatigues trousers and boots with a plain t-shirt and a Black comprehensive tool kit that hang off his belt.
[b]Personality:Bubbly and determined and evil sense of humor that can be mistaken for being sadistic, messy in all but his work
Has soft spot for Anna and loathes Sadie
[b]History: Joining the army at a young age Marco quickly got a reputation for modifying kit in his unit making them anything to more responsive to packing more of a punch. So Marco's talents were being flagged up with the Top brass of the MOD and he was put in weapon research, during a live combat test of one of his weapons Marco took a shrapnel for a RPG to the back which took him out of front line service . After a few years at his desk job Marco was brought in to U.R.C.S to develop Weapons for their fight against the unknown. During one of his missions Marco was declared M.I.A after an explosion tor though the building separating him from his team. During his time Missing Marco was able to obtain his cybernetics before re-joining a new and changed U.R.C.S.
[b]Skills:Weapon design and modification, Marksmanship, Demolitions and close quarters fire fights.
[b]Desired Position/Department:Armoury Adviser