Using the money system, you can use your funds to purchase training in several different fields in URCS. These are constantly being updated. However when you start up your character, he/she may already excel in one of these particular fields of action. The fields of training are broken down into 3 catagories, Apprentice, Master and Legend. Apprentice means your character has a brief grasp on the subject, Master means they know their stuff well and Legend means that they are well known for their prowess.
Now when you start up your character in URCS, you can select one of these catagories as your Legend level for free, and another one to have on Apprentice for free. Anything else from here you will need to buy.
This means that when you start up with us, your character won't be a war torn soldier with no training on how to hold a gun. For instance, if you are a part of the medical team, you can select Medical Training to be your free Legend level, making it fit with your character from the get go.